Friday, August 8, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel...

I've come to discover that sometimes telling the truth on this blog scares the hell out of people. But I created this blog to have a place to vent. Which sometimes mean telling the truth, even when it's harsh. So I get to my you can probably tell lately, I've been really stressed out. There is a loooooong list of "why"'s but I think the real cause has more to do with my hormones. When those are out of control, then everything else in my life seems so "horrible" and unbearable. After many long conversations with my husband, we have come up with a couple of solutions that have me very excited. #1: I have an appointment with my OB/GYN to discuss proper medication to get my hormones under control. (I had previously rejected the idea of taking medication, but it seems to be my only choice, if I want to be truly happy.) and #2: we are going to move to Houston ASAP. Hooray!! It's a terrible time to sell a house and look for a job, but we're going to take our time doing so and pray that we make good decisions. But the fact is that I really need the help of my loved ones and cannot expect to get it until I move back home. I'm nervous about it, but look forward to it. It could take a while though, so don't get too anxious!
Anyway, the lesson I have learned (over a really dreadfully long time) is this: TALK TO SOMEONE about your problems and don't settle for mediocrity. There is help out there. It just may take a long time to get it worked out, so be patient with yourself.
I'm not totally in the clear yet, so I'll need some prayers. But I'm hopeful that I'll be feeling better soon. And thanks to my friends and family who always stick by my side!!!

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