Friday, January 25, 2008

The Leprecauns took it

The other day, my son dropped one of his hotwheels cars into the toilet. I didn't know why he was just staring into the toilet, so I just walked up to it and flushed it. The interesting part is that the hotwheel went down the pipe. It blows my mind that my tiny, little four-year-old daughter can take a dump and it gets caught in the pipes and I have to plunge the hell out of it. But a hotwheel goes right down the tubes. And so while I was standing there, in amazement, uttering, over and over again that I "just can't believe it went down", my son took it as an ok to flush another one. But it too went down without hesitation. And since I don't fancy myself a plumber, I was speechless and completely stumped. My daughter then proceeded to explain to me that the leprecauns must be down there and they don't like poo-poo, but they'll take the cars. Well there you have it. Who knew?

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