Monday, November 24, 2008

Dr. B

My five year old twins are obssessed with "potty words". They spend the majority of their day laughing hysterically over words like "butt" and "poopie". They think they're hilarious! And they struggle, hour after hour, to come up with alternatives like "doodie face", "tushy head" and "butt nugget". So, I spend most of my time, of course, saying, "please stop saying that"........."please stop"......."STOP!" It's ridiculous. And I've become totally paranoid about the possibility of them sharing these words with their little friends at their preschool. I'm sure that would reflect well on me. "Mom of the Year" award, here I come!
But I've come to realize that as much as I struggle to keep my kids from finding humor in disgusting words, I fall victim to it myself. The other day, my husband came home with some HEB brand Dr. Pepper. It's called "Dr. B". And my husband said, "I guess since HEB stands for H.E. Butt, then this drink is Dr. Butt" And we both proceed to laugh our asses off. Good lord. And then we realized what we were doing. How do we expect our 5 year olds to rise above our own level of maturity? Pathetic!

1 comment:

Maryellen said...

I meant to leave a comment earlier about this. I must admit I never thought about what the name Dr. B actually implies, very funny. I always said that stuff tasted like shi...well never mind.